Tango Tea Dance on Thames - was a success!
Queer Tango London and Tango on the Thames would like to thank Olga Metzner and Ivan Antonio Arandia, Daniel Gini and Paula Duarte, and...

If you're FREE - it's FREE - this Tuesday!
FREE TANGO TEA ON THE THAMES AT THE ROYAL FESTIVAL HALL! This Tuesday afternoon 20th February - Tango on The Thames and Queer Tango...

At last - the LAST Class!!!
Following last week's - err - impromptu "Street Party" and "Bar Room Banter"(?) we are delighted to welcome you this Monday onto our...

Freshen up on queer tango – or just come and dance!
Queer Tango London are THRILLED that the vast majority of those who started the 6 Week Beginners’ Course on 8th January (or later on)...