Something quite EXCEPTIONAL!

If you only come to ONE QTL EVENT THIS YEAR, come to JEWISH TANGO meets QUEER TANGO on SATURDAY 4th MARCH – so you too will be one of the people DANCING TO CHANGE THE WORLD.
To help us, we will have exceptional LIVE MUSIC from the electrifying REVERSE POLARITY,“an ensemble bringing vocal and instrumental expertise to an exciting range of lesser-known Jewish repertoire. The musicians have well over a century’s experience at the top levels of world music and jazz. Their first programme juxtaposes sultry and melancholic Polish Jewish tango songs with upbeat Argentinian klezmer tunes.” Like this!
So book now, here:
In an age of increased homophobia, hatred, and prejudice pedalled alongside misogyny and racism, including antisemitism -
We believe that communities at risk of persecution need not stand alone.
We invite you to help us to DANCE some alliances!
Our QTL DJs, Tom Cottle’s and Claudio Tedesco’s will play selections Jewish-themed tango music and music from Jewish composers, singers or instrumentalists so that with Reverse Polarity and a dancefloor where we dance with you for a purpose, we will have all the ingredients for a Saturday night of tango in London unlike any other.